
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

good news on 1126: 德林國際(HK)獲1,800萬美元新訂單

鉅亨網新聞中心  (來源:世華財訊)
2009 / 11 / 16 星期一 17:37

(劉國輝 編輯)
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lwp said...



2005mhk18@gmail.com said...

I am not sure what to make out of AMVIG's recent failure in selling the subsidiary back to its Chairman. It could be a good thing if the subsidiary manages to renew the business contract with its largest customer (but vice versa). If that happens, then AMVIG should make >HK$500m net profit a year, meaning ~7x P/E at current price, a great bargain. But on the hand, if the contract is terminated, then AMVIG should make only ~HK$300m net profit a year, meaning ~11x P/E at current, price is not bad either.

Net net, I think it's fine to buy at $3.0. It probably won't fall much more from here. But if the business contract gets renewed, then fund managers could start buying again, and share price could easily go back up to $5.0.

- Blogmaster

Thomas said...

Any comment on 1126's 2009 Annual Result? Seems market does not appreciate the result (it drops 16% now).