
Friday, August 21, 2009

Share price to go up 150%-200% within one year

A listed toy doll manufacturer has lost money in the past 3-4 years and has stopped paying dividends, but there are signs that the business will turnaround in 2009. The reasons are:

Macro environment

a) improved industry structure as half of the 8,000 toy manufacturers in China folded in 2008 (so less price competition, etc.)

b) better operating environment (e.g. less RMB appreciation, slower labor rate inflation, lower oil price)

c) inventory re-stocking of US and Europe customers in general after running down their inventories in 2008

d) Chinese government increased export tax rebate from 11% to 14%


e) company received new significant orders received from Disney

f) company streamlined cost structure (e.g. layoffs, moving factories to Vietnam)

In fact, some evidence of business turnaround can be seen in the company's 2H'2008 results, where it managed to achieve a small profit (the first profit-making period in the past 3-4 years). The Chairman also sounded cautiously optimistic in his statement in the 2008 annual report. Interestingly, the Chairman of another listed major toy doll manufacturer said he expected a profit in 2009 (vs. significant loss in 2008) and that 1Q'2009 margins were strong, providing important clues to what is to come in 2009.

Besides normal operations, the company is selling one of its factories in China for HK$60m and will book a gain of HK$20m in 2009. Given all the above, the company will likely report strong results in 2009 (HK$40m+ according to my estimation).

The company has HK$196m in cash and HK$145m in debt as at the end of 2008, and with the HK$60m proceeds from the factory sale and improved business performance, there's a good chance that it will resume dividends in 2009. If the company pays a special dividend totaling its net cash (HK$196m - HK$145m = HK$51m) and the factory disposal proceeds (HK$60m), that HK$111m would represent 67% yield (!!!). I don't actually think the Chairman would do that, but that is just to give you an idea of the extent of the dividend possible. Even if the Chairman dividends out the factory proceeds only, the dividend yield would still be 36%.

Anyway, if both the strong results and the dividends happen, share price could easily go up 150-200% within one year, and more within 3 years as the company fully recovers. I think a sustainable, ongoing dividend level (3-4 years down the road) for this company is HK$0.07-0.09. Assuming a required dividend yield of 6-8% (consistent with historical average for this company and its peers), the theoretical share price should be $0.9-$1.3.

The P/Book and P/Sales ratio for this company are 0.4x and 0.2x respectively.

The caveat is that the trading volume is very thin, and one must be patient about "collecting" shares in the market over a period of several week to avoid "jacking up" the share price unnecessarily. The volume should increase dramatically if the company announces strong results and/or resumes dividends.

One risk for this play is if the strong results and dividends DON'T happen, then your money may get "stuck" until the trading volume comes back (well, if you put in $50k, you should still be able to get out easily, but if you are invest $500k, then it'll be much more difficult). That said, I do very strongly believe that good things will happen in 2009, and weighing the potential risk and return, and assuming that your investment horizon is at least 12 months, I would still highly recommend BUY.

The company is Dream International (德林國際, 1126.HK).

Friday, August 14, 2009


從事代工生產的工業股嘉利國際( 1050),去年業績也不錯,截至 09年 3月底止全年營業額 24.61億元,按年下跌 12%,不過純利就大升 68%至 2208萬元,每股盈利為 3.8仙,末期息 1.5仙。在收入下降的情況下,純利仍有上升,主要是由於人民幣減慢升值,同時原材料價格回落,成本壓力減輕。
近年人民幣升值、勞工、油價及鐵料 等成本上升,對工業股不利,嘉利透過開源節流包括精簡人手、減少參與割價產品的產銷,以提升效益,同時審慎擴充,保持財政良好, 3月底止淨現金 4000多萬元。這隻曾是 David Webb聖誕推介的工業股一向企業管治出色,參考其他前度聖誕推介如愛高( 328)、富士高( 927)近月股價升幅以倍數計,嘉利也有機會隨時跑出。

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Emperor International, 英皇國際 (163.HK) - Recommend BUY

12-month target price is $2.0, +67% from current price of $1.2

The Chairman (whom you probably know) is buying a lot of shares from the open market (more than 10 occasions) at around $1.2, and the CB that he issued to Emperor Int'l has a conversion price of $1.2; both of these actions mean that the Chairman is highly confident that the shares should be worth much more than $1.2 (i.e. if he doesn't think he's going to earn at least 20-25% annual return on his capital, he won't do it in the first place).

NAV is the best metric to value Emperor Int'l given that a) it's a property development company and b) the Company's portfolio is relatively young, i.e. many projects will be completed in 2011-2013 time frame.
  • NAV of Emperor Int'l is conservatively estimated to be $3.3 (while $3.8 is more realistic), and the underlying property assets in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen are of good quality
  • Applying a 40% discount to NAV (big property developers trade at 10-15% discount while smaller ones trade at 30-40% discount) leads to $2.0, which is my target price.

  • Many small-cap property stocks have rebounded in the past 6 months and the extent is much larger than Emperor Int'l so this is a "laggard play" as well, i.e. most of these stocks are already above their Aug 2008 price level, but Emperor Int'l is still only half of its Aug 2008 price level (see chart below).

Emperor Int'l has a FYE of March, and first-half FY 2010 results (i.e. April 2009 to Sept 2009) will be announced in Dec 2009.

  • The results should be very strong due to a) solid rental income, b) significant rebound of the property market since March 2009 (there will be a significant upward revaluation of properties that flows through P&L), and c) HK$143m in profits from 2 pieces of property in Causeway Bay that was sold.

  • Emperor Int'l would likely resume dividend payments upon announcing the upcoming results (there was no dividend payment for previous year).

  • I would expect investors to be positively surprised when the announcement comes out.

Due to its relatively small market cap, Emperor Int'l is not covered by investment banks. The only institution that covers Emperor Int'l is a small investment house called 3V Capital. I think that minimal coverage is a good thing because if a stock is well-covered, then it tends to be more efficiently priced and hence more difficult for investors to achieve above average risk-adjusted return. I believe that Emperor Int'l is NOT efficiently priced, and in time, its stock price will converge to its "true" fundamental value.

So overall, my recommendation is to buy at current price and hold for at least 6 months. For those that are concerned about a possible correction in the stock market, I would suggest a phase-in approach, where you buy some every month for next 3-4 months such that you average out your entry price.


P29 | 理財投資 | 每日一股



  嘉利國 際(1050)這間從事產銷電腦外殼及文儀產品等五金塑膠與提供電子專業代工業,其收入頗為全球性。去年依然有亞洲與香港收入上升,而中國與西歐維持最大 收入來源,去年業務先穩後減,公司在面對人民幣升值、勞工、燃油價格及鐵料等成本上升下,透過開源節流包括精簡人手,一年內員工人數下調約22%,減少參 與見血割喉式殺戮的產品產銷,以提升效益。

  公司採取最壞打算、最好準備的態度,令財務狀況穩定。配合自2003╱04年度開始的擴張及 自動化計劃,令規模效益得以發揮,令2008╱09年度五金塑膠業務營業額下跌5%;但經營溢利升28%,至6172萬元。不過,電子專業代工依然有 3871.2萬元虧損,2008╱09年度溢利上升55%,至2043.3萬元;每股盈利為3.8仙。隨着客戶情況有所改善,而生產成本部分已回落,而其 玉泉及宜興新廠一、二期工程已完成,無疑公司對市場展望依然有保留,亦是該公司予投資者有信心的特質,被視為具透明度及良好企業管治的工業股,如相信經濟 逐步回升,亦是有利於中線收集的不錯對象。

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009


因優質股發掘人在 recommend之前入了嘉里國際(1050)。


Saturday, August 1, 2009



最新價: 0.600

Up 0.08 (+15.38%)